We Offer Port users a convenient way to track Container Stripping Statuses, Get Delivery Charges and Warehouse Queue Status.

Tracking is available via Short Messaging Service (SMS). The service is user-friendly and most of all, free of cost.

Users without a Smart Phone (Android or Apple IOS) or without internet access can quickly send a text message and receive an immediate response containing the information requested.

See how it works below:

  • Requesting Container Stripping Status

    Option 1: Get Container Stripping Status for an entire Bill of Lading

    Step 1: Send a text message to the number 610-1700
    Step 2:. In the body of the the message type the word “Tally” along with the Bill of Lading number (Ensure a space is between Tally and the Bill of Lading number)
    Step 3: Send your message

    •  Response received within seconds

    With a Bill of Lading Number: PEVBZ221736
    Message Body is: Tally PEVBZ221736

    Option 2: Get Container Stripping Status for an specific Dock Receipt Number

    Step 1: Send a text message to the number 610-1700
    Step 2: In the body of the the message enter the word “Tally” along with the Dock Receipt Number (Ensure a space is between Tally and the Dock Receipt number)
    Step 3: Send your message

    • Response received within seconds

    With a Dock Receipt Number: 50110524
    Message Body is: Tally 50110524

  • Checking Delivery Charges

    Step 1: Send a text message to the number 610-1700
    Step 2: In the body of the the message enter the word “Charges” along with the Bill of Lading number (Ensure a space is between Charges and the Bill of Lading number)
    Step 3: Send your message

    • Response received within seconds

    With a Bill of Lading Number: TSCW17273833
    Message Body is: Charges TSCW17273833

  • Checking Warehouse Queue Status

    Step 1: Send a text message to the number 610-1700
    Step2: In the body of the the message enter the word “Turn“.
    Step 3: Send your message

    • Response received within seconds

    Message Body is: Turn

A Christmas Message from the CEO
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