Port of Belize LTD. Specifications

Access Channel
Length 4,600 Meters
Width 120 Meters
Depth 8.1 Meters

Turning Basin
Diameter 340 Meters
Depth 7.8 Meters

Length 67 Meters
Depth 7.8 Meters

The port commissioner places the following restrictions on the size and draft of vessels using the access channel, turning basin, and dock (berth) of the Port of Belize Ltd.:

  • Ships with draught less than 5.6 meters and LOA less than 90 meters: no tug required.
  • Ships with draught over 5.6 meters and LOA greater than 90 meters but less than 122 meters and no bow thruster: one (1) tugboat with a minimum of 1200 horsepower required.
  • Ships with draught over 5.6 meters (18.4 feet) and more than 122 meters LOA with a serviceable bow thruster: one (1) tugboat with a minimum of 1200 horsepower required.
  • Ships with draught over 5.6 meters (18.4 feet) and more than 122 meters LOA without bow thrusters: two (2) tugboats with 2200 horsepower required.
  • Ships with draught more than or equal to 5.6 meters (18 feet) with or without bow thrusters are restricted to 148 meters (400 feet) LOA.
  • Vessels with LOA equal to or greater than 90 meters requiring docking on the starboard side: one (1) tug with minimum 1200 horsepower required.

Ships exceeding these dimensions must obtain prior approval from the Ports Commissioner, which may be granted after consultation with the Port of Belize Ltd., the Shipping Agent, and the chief pilot. Considerations include cargo type, favorable weather conditions, and mandatory tug usage.

Beaufort Number Wind Speed Tanker Cargo Passenger
#5 Up to 21 knots Port in full operations with tug support for tanker mooring Port in full operation Port in full operation; Passenger operations at anchorage
#6 22-27 knots Cargo operations suspend for tanker with wind speeds above 25 knots. All connections for tankers disconnected Port in full operation Port in full operation; Passenger operations at anchorage
#7 28-33 knots Removal of hose/connections Kings Pier: 30 knots or below may transit to anchorage; loading and unloading suspended No passenger transfer above 33 knots
#8 34-40 knots Transit of English Caye Channel prohibited over 40 knots Operations prohibited; may remain at anchorage Operations prohibited
#9 41-47 knots Port Closed
A Christmas Message from the CEO
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